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Hilltop specializes in working with Medicaid data. We maintain a secure, HIPAA-compliant data repository containing Maryland Medicaid and Medicare administrative data, hospital discharge data, nursing home assessment data (the federal Minimum Data Set), and assessment data for individuals receiving long-term services and supports.
Through our interactive DataPort, you can configure custom reports on Medicaid enrollment, long-term services and supports (LTSS) enrollment, LTSS services, Community First Choice (CFC) services, and nursing facilities, by coverage category, fiscal or calendar year, county or region of residence, and participant demographics. The DataPort can also generate custom reports on health plans participating in HealthChoice—Maryland’s Medicaid managed care program. The DataPort contains data going back several years which is updated monthly from Maryland Medicaid MMIS2. For the optimal viewing experience, please ensure third-party cookies are allowed.
New! Maryland Medicaid Quick Facts are now available. Enrollment, utilization, and demographic information about Medicaid is now at your fingertips.

Maryland Medicaid Data Requests
Hilltop specializes in working with Medicaid data, and maintains a secure, HIPAA-compliant data repository containing Maryland Medicaid administrative data. We collaborate with other researchers on projects involving these data with the permission of the Department of Health. To request to use Maryland Medicaid data, go to the Maryland Department of Health data request page.
Price Transparency State Profiles
The Price Transparency State Profiles include access to the price transparency laws that states have passed as of November 2024. The Profiles also include access to hospital price transparency data that has been cleaned and organized by state, as well as information about the hospitals from which data has been collected.

Community Benefit State Law Profiles
A 50-State Survey of State Community Benefit Laws through the Lens of the ACA
The Hilltop Institute’s Community Benefit State Law Profiles (Profiles) present a comprehensive analysis of each state’s community benefit landscape as defined by its laws, regulations, tax exemptions, and, in some cases, policies and activities of state executive agencies. The Profiles organize these state-level legal frameworks by the major categories of federal community benefit requirements found in §9007 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), §501(r) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Hilltop Chart Books
Each year, Hilltop prepares chart books for the Maryland Department of Health describing demographics, service utilization, and costs for various Medicaid programs.

Hilltop Infographics
Hilltop develops infographics to graphically explain study results and other information.