This is the first chart book in a series of two that explores service utilization and expenditures for Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports in Maryland. This volume explores service utilization and expenditures for Maryland Medicaid’s Living at Home Waiver, Older Adults Waiver, and Medical Day Care Waiver, as well as Maryland State Plan personal care services and Medicaid nursing facility utilization and expenditures in state fiscal years (FYs) 2009 through 2012. Hilltop updates the chart books annually.
Hilltop staff made several presentations at the 2014 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) held June 8 through June 10 in San Diego. Director of Medicaid Policy Studies David A. Idala, MA, delivered this presentation in a session titled What Can We Learn from Patients with High Costs and High Utilization?
This is the second chart book in a series of two that explores service utilization and expenditures for Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports in Maryland. This chart book provides information about Maryland Medicaid participants who received services through the Autism Waiver in state fiscal years (FYs) 2009 through 2012. Hilltop updates the chart books annually.
Senior Policy Analysts Aaron Tripp, MSW, and Barbara Holt, PhD, presented this poster at the Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA’s) 66th Annual Scientific Meeting held November 20-24, 2013, in New Orleans.
Senior Policy Analysts Aaron Tripp, MSW, and Stephanie Cannon-Jones, MA, presented this poster at the Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA’s) 66th Annual Scientific Meeting held November 20-24, 2013, in New Orleans.
Policy Analyst Rebekah Natanov, MPH, and Director of Special Studies Ian Stockwell, MA, presented this poster at the Gerontological Society of America’s (GSA’s) 66th Annual Scientific Meeting held November 20-24, 2013, in New Orleans.
Executive Director Cynthia H. Woodcock, MBA, gave this presentation at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Fiscal Analysts Seminar held October 8, 2013, in Annapolis. Woodcock discussed the characteristics of dual eligibles; pathways to dual eligibility; opportunities for and challenges of integrating care for this population; and approaches to integrating care.
Hilltop Policy Analyst Aaron Tripp, MSW, gave a presentation at the 2013 Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging in Chicago on March 14, 2013. New Jersey Care Partner Support Pilot Program: Findings—which has been presented before and continues to spark interest—discussed highlights of Hilltop’s evaluation of the Pilot Program, which was designed to improve the knowledge and skills of family caregivers for beneficiaries enrolled in waiver programs following a caregiver self-assessment. Implications for health care and social service professionals to better recognize and support families as partners in care and recommendations for further expansion of caregiver assessments were addressed.
The Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports in Maryland Chart Book, Volume 3, The Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver is the last in a series of three that explores service utilization and expenditures for Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports in Maryland. Volume 1 explores service utilization and expenditures for Maryland Medicaid’s Living at Home Waiver, Older Adults Waiver, and Medical Day Care Waiver, as well as Maryland State Plan personal care services and Medicaid nursing facility utilization and expenditures. Volume 2 provides information on the states’ Medicaid Autism Waiver.
This chart book provides information about Maryland Medicaid participants who received services through the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver state in fiscal years (FYs) 2008 through 2011.
This chart book provides an overview of the number of Marylanders using long-term services and supports in state fiscal years (FYs) 2008 through 2011, and the cost to Medicaid to finance these services. Medicaid programs and services addressed in this chart book include the Living at Home Waiver, the Medical Day Care Services Waiver, the Older Adults Waiver, Medical Assistance Personal Care Program, and nursing facility residents.